Terms and conditions


The following terms and conditions delineate the guidelines and principles governing the usage of our website.

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By accessing this website, it is presumed that you have accepted these terms and conditions. If you do not agree with all the terms and conditions outlined on this page, kindly refrain from using megadealsguide.com. The terminology used in these Terms and Conditions, including the Privacy Statement and Disclaimer Notice, applies as follows: "Client," "You," and "Your" pertain to the individual visiting this website and complying with the Company's terms and conditions. "The Company," "Ourselves," "We," "Our," and "Us" all refer to our Company. "Party," "Parties," or "Us" signifies both the Client and ourselves. All terminology, whether in the singular or plural form, with capitalization or not, such as "he," "she," or "they," is interchangeable and refers to the same entities.

  • Cookies

    We utilize cookies on our site. By accessing our site, you agree to the use of cookies in accordance with our site's Privacy Policy. Most interactive websites employ cookies to retrieve user information for each visit. Cookies on our site enhance the functionality of specific areas, making the experience more convenient for our visitors. Some of our affiliate and advertising partners may also employ cookies.

  • License

    Unless otherwise specified, our site and/or its licensors possess the intellectual property rights for all content on our site. All intellectual property rights are safeguarded and reserved. You may access this material on our site for your personal use, subject to the limitations outlined in these terms and conditions.

  • Hyperlinking to our Content

    Hyperlinking, also known as linking or creating hyperlinks, is a fundamental practice on the internet. It involves connecting one web page to another, allowing users to navigate seamlessly between online resources. Hyperlinking is not only acceptable but encouraged, as it fosters information sharing, enhances the user experience, and promotes a well-connected digital ecosystem. Whether you're referencing external sources to support your content or providing direct access to related information, hyperlinking plays a crucial role in the web's functionality. It not only connects websites but also ideas, knowledge, and people, making it an essential tool for the exchange of information and ideas across the internet.